Lending desk
Items for consultation or borrowing provided no-stop:
Number of borrows: up to 2 works, and a total of 4 items; are excluded books printed before 1900; manuscripts, rare books; in bad conditions, miscellanies, journals, reference material, etc.
Loan lasts: 30 days. Renewal: 1, of 30 days; you can request it the last day, at the lending desk, or by phone, or operating in the web area “My library card”. No renewal is possible for overdue items, or if another borrower has requested the item.
The use of the items checked out is not- transferrable. In case of overdue materials, the borrower is immediately suspended from the service; in case of damaged (even with marks) or loose item, a replacement copy or an amount of money for the purchase is due.
The library card must be presented at every request of borrowing. The expiry date is at the end of your study, research or work period, and in any case no more than 12 months.
In order to apply for the library card, you need:
1- resident citizens in Veneto 1 passport-size photo in colours (also printed on common paper) e valid ID (passport, driving licence…);
2- residents in other Italian regions, Republic of S. Marino, Vatican City, EU countries, ALSO documentation about your study or research needs (student card, employment contract…), and about your stay (hall of residence, apartment…) in Veneto;
3- non-EU national, ALSO permesso di soggiorno (residence permit) granted by a Questura in the Veneto region.